Dear Parents,
From Spirit Week to Holy Week, what an incredible few days we have experienced here at Trinitas Academy. You can enjoy pictures and videos of highlights from each of the special days last week plus our three Easter Chapels held this week by visiting our school Facebook page. Our school will be closed on Good Friday, and our Easter Break will extend from Monday, April 5th through Friday, April 9th. Classes resume on Monday, April 12th. You are invited to an Easter Sunday Celebration and Communion Service on Sunday, April 4th.
National Achievement Test
The Terranova 3rd Edition National Achievement Test will be administered to our students in Kindergarten through the Twelfth grade the week of April 26th-April 30th. Click here for more information.
In the meantime, your child can practice at home using IXL in order to be better acquainted with the types of questions that will be asked on the test. Login to your IXL account AND FOLLOW THESE STEPS:
1. Go to “Learning”
2. Select “Skill Plans”
3. Click on “Test Preparation”
4. Choose “Terranova3”
5. From the Math and Language Arts categories, select your grade level and begin practicing!!
Students enrolled in Online Instruction are required to be present on campus to take the test. Testing times are from 8:30am-11:30am. However, in extreme cases, you may choose to bring your child to test in a separate room with other children that are in Online Instruction on Friday, April 23rd and Saturday, April 24th, with a test Make-Up Day on Friday, April 30th. To select this option, you must RSVP by calling 954-581-2744, ext. 115. If you do not book for these special dates, we will be expecting your child to test with his/her classmates during the regular scheduled time.
Camp Ignite and Soccer Camps
Click on the images for more information!
Enrollment Now Open to the Public
Thank you, parents, for all your support and for responding to our call to re-enroll your children for the next school year. You may now also renew your current scholarships and/or apply for new ones. The Lord has blessed us with a magnificent student body and a fantastic faculty. We are looking forward to a wonderful 2021-2022 school year. By re-enrolling now you guarantee a spot in your child’s classroom.
The online process should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your information will be saved if you need to come back to it later. If you have any questions about the process, please contact Mrs. Jackie Diaz at 954-581-2744, ext. 103.
We have now officially opened our enrollment to the public. Remember that as an incentive, we are crediting your account $300 for each child you refer to Trinitas Academy and enrolls!! To help you in this task, we can provide you with postcards upon request. You can also distribute the following electronic flyers below listed here:
• Preschool Flyer
• Elementary Flyer
• Middle School Flyer
• High School Flyer
Happy Easter,
Jorge del Pino