Trinitas Academy is blessed to have worked this year with a wonderful student body, faculty and staff, and parents who stuck together to overcome all the challenges we had to face, particularly this final quarter. We accomplished this without taking our eyes off our priority of training our children to become committed followers of Jesus Christ. It is now hard to believe that another school year is coming to its conclusion. We can’t wait to acknowledge our students’ hard work, celebrate their accomplishments through our virtual and drive-thru ceremonies, distribute report cards and awards, and see our first ever senior students graduate and move on to college!!
At the same time, we are looking forward to reopening our doors in the fall and can’t wait to see everyone again soon. We have begun preparations to guarantee that our facility will provide a safe environment for our students, and want to make a commitment to you that every effort possible will be made to continue being the place you can trust. Please read our commitment at the end of this memo.
Continuing Distance Learning Option
As part of our strategy to implement safety measures is the option parents will have to register their students in our Distance Learning Program, should they still feel uneasy in allowing their children out of the house when classes begin on August 19th. This format allows children to maintain their full status as Trinitas Academy students, receive a Christ-centered and Biblical worldview education, have access to all of our personnel resources, and participate in our various events. At any point, students registered in the Distance Learning Program may return to receive physical instruction or request a combination of on campus learning and distance learning. The Distance Learning Program has two different formats you can choose from:
Non-Online Format
Through this program, students would keep all of their textbooks at home and receive weekly teacher lesson plans and assignments in core subjects, to be completed on a weekly and timely basis and turned in at the beginning of each week. Some internet capabilities may be required, but for the most part this is a non-online option.
Online Format
Through our affiliate partner and using the Canvas Learning Management System, students will be able to register in online courses and receive video instruction and daily assignments to be completed and submitted online. This program is strictly online and has technological requirements.
Whether you have already re-enrolled at Trinitas or are still in the process of doing so, and may be considering one of the above options, please call us for more information at 954-581-2744 ext. 103.
Yours in His Service,
Pastor Jorge del Pino
Our Commitment to Clean
The Trinitas Academy S.A.F.E. team and the Maintenance & Facilities department recognize the significance of providing a safe, clean, and sanitized environment during these unprecedented challenges presented to us by COVID-19. We are joined in our commitment to enhance deep cleaning and sanitation services as an essential preventative measure for keeping our campus COVID-19-free. We will provide on-ground teams who are prepared with the expertise, resources, and equipment to ensure that our students, faculty and staff are not only kept safe, but also informed of best practices and procedures. Through these health and safety actions put in place and the ongoing monitoring of adherence to these practices, Trinitas Academy is determined to provide all the safeguards necessary to be able to carry out its primary mission of “Nurturing the Whole Child.”